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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Imma Birthday Girl today!

Okay i'm soooooooooooo happy today, cause imma birthday girl lahh kan. hahah kecoh macam ape je :p And sorry, but aku nak kecoh lagi. Haha sekarang ni about 170 ppls dah wish kat aku. sekarang aku tengah tunggu another 30++ wishes lagi. Aiyooo gila wishes doh aku hari ni. hahah BTW thnks for the wishes okay korang. Appreciate it a lot :') And thnks again to dhar, ahah sweet lahhh post awak :D Thnks! And thnks to my mum for the delicious chocolate cake. aww, i'm in love with it. But i easily get muak lah pulak bila makan that chocolate cake. HAHA, ada satu lagi aku nak cakap, k, i can't stop smiling dari semalam doh. hahaha what's wrong ahh? lol, K i'll get rid this feeling tepat tepat pukul 12. gahahahah, okay jom baca next post aku pulak! BACA YEEE :P
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